Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What I'm Reading: Red Rooney by R.M. Ballantyne

I'm reading this book right now which will be thirteenth by R.M. Ballantyne I have read.
The story opens in the Arctic Circle, as young Red Rooney embarks on a voyage from Greenland. His adventures begin early on in this tale when his boat is crushed by ice and sinks. He is left on the ice to perish until an Eskimo named Okiok finds him. This is the story of his time with the Eskimo community and the spiritual battle between the Angekok (false priest) and Christian missionaries. Written to show life among the Greenland and Artic Eskimoes, Ballantyne gives a glimpse into the pagan lifestyle of these natives, their ingenuity and life at sea, while also showing the effects of the Gospel when missionaries bring the good news of Jesus, transforming life and culture. Filled with interesting aspects of Eskimo life including whale hunts, feasting on blubber, and survival in the frigid Arctic regions. (summary by The Vision Forum.)

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