Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sharing Christ

"The Harvest is Plentiful, but the laborers are few;" Those words of Jesus are so true. I thought about something yesterday when I heard about the earthquake in Haiti. First I thought about those words. All those people, a lot of them probably unsaved, just died without excepting Jesus as their lord and savior. Second, I thought of all the Christians who put off sharing the Gospel to some one, or just not at all. I have had hundreds of chances to share the Gospel with my grandparents or other lost family members, yet I have failed miserably in that duty which should be done out of love for them and my savior who suffered and drank the cup of God's wrath so that they may have a chance to spend eternity with him. There are to many laborers today who don't labor to gather in the harvest so that the lamb may receive the full reword of his sufferings. Lets all strive daily to share with those around us often and those who we have never seen before. Again I'll repeat those two Moravian brothers who said this while just having sold themselves into slavery in order to share the Gospel with two thousand slaves on a island where they were forbidden to hear of it. "May the lamb that was slain receive the reward of his suffering!"